Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So I've been trying to get interested in some topic to study for my praticum later this semester and nothing seems to be interesting me too much. I dont know if Im over stimulated or under stimulated. I have a bunch of ideas but nothing that I have became all that passionate about. And honestly the only thing I think I really want to do at this point is go back to Sudan and study there.

I feel like me heart is still with Sudan. It's been hard for me to enjoy and appreciate all that Uganda is because I keep thinking about how it was the same or different in Sudan. I don't know if its because when I was in Sudan I stayed in a more rural area and I just dont like being in the city as much or because in Sudan there was a sense of community and this great joy despite unbelievable tragedy that was insipiring. I'm not sure but I'll figure it out. I think once I'm not in Kamapala or once I stop living with the upper middle class in Uganda things will change but for now thats where I am.

I'm leaving for Western Uganda and Rwanda on Sunday. I am really excited and preparing myself emotionally for the genocide memorials. I probably won't post again till I get back the following Saturday. So expect a long blog entry once I get back.

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